March 17, 2010

Resurrection Day Activities

Photo Credit: Rob Elliott
As followers of Christ, our family believes that it is valuable to spend some extra time to celebrate Resurrection Sunday. We try to live for Jesus every day, remembering His sacrifice and victory, but this gives us a chance to refocus and meditate anew on His love and saving grace.

There are many wonderful family activities on the web for this time of year.

Holy Experience has a few family Easter activities that I would like to do this year:
My post from last year includes several links to Resurrection Day activities:
Easy Fun School has a Passover unit study that looks great:
Biblical Holidays has information on Passover and instructions for a Messianic Passover Seder:
 Enjoy this season of celebration and hope with your family!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea! I've missed your blog & am trying to get more regular with blogging again. I still have my blog at hsblogger, but now copy my posts to blogspot to save for eventually printing off.
    Thanks for all these great links! Holly
