May 13, 2008

Trusting in the Savior

So He went to her, took her hand and helped her up. Mark 1:31a

This snippet of Scripture denotes complete trust in Jesus to me. I picture Peter's mother-in-law looking trustfully up at Jesus as he gently takes her hand and helps her stand up from her sick bed. Our culture of independence makes it very difficult to trust others, even God. We say that we trust Him, yet we refuse to relinquish control over so many areas of our lives.

How much do we trust Him with our finances, for instance? I do not mean that we should be poor stewards, but do we really trust Him when there is the potential of severe financial difficulties? Or do we make our best laid plans and falter or panic when it seems that they are failing?

What about our children? Do we really trust our Lord with them? We tend to search for formulas that we believe will turn out well-mannered, responsible, godly children. Do we trust our formulas more than we trust our God and Savior, Who loves our children more than we do?

What would it be like to abandon control of all worries, plans, fears, hurts, ______; and look up into His eyes and allow Him help us up and see our circumstances through His perfect love and shelter, and sometimes even through His loving discipline; to be so full of His grace and love that we have no time to worry about our own circumstances, but are compelled to look about for ways to serve others?

I want to truly say and mean the words "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21); meaning death to my flesh so that I am always available for His work.

If you would like to participate in this week's Tuesdays in "Other" Words, go to Beloved MaMa's blog.

HomeschoolBlogger Comments
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May. 13, 2008 - Tuesday: In Other Words

Posted by Anonymous

That is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing!
Christelle @ Beloved Mama

May. 14, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by

Thanks for such a nice post.

May. 14, 2008 - Great post!

Posted by Anonymous

Powerful post! I was so glad to see your link for IOW. I love your blog. Thanks for sharing.


May. 14, 2008 - Hi there

Posted by JacqueDixonSoulRestES

Just stopping over to say hi. Trusting the Lord truly is a day by day process. The challenges come when crises arise or we are offended or things just don't go the way we thought.

We do not know what a blessing it is to be able to trust in the Lord, and that He does know, whether we do or not. We can trust Him. We must trust Him. Placing our trust in anything else is foolishness, and we find soon afterwards that He is faithful in all things.

Blessings to you~

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