February 29, 2008

Outdoor Hour Challenge: Getting Started

The first Outdoor Hour Challenge assignment was to spend 10-15 minutes outside observing and to choose two things to investigate further. Should have been pretty easy, right? Of course, I was in major decluttering mode and we spent most of the day going through all kinds of stuff in the basement. However, I was determined to make it outside, even if only for a few minutes! We didn't spend too much time out there, but the girls got several pictures. I think everyone was kind of crabby and worn out from the decluttering session; I probably should have done the nature study first. In fact, I had to bribe some nameless children with a promise of hot chocolate to even coerce entice them to go out in the cold!

Anyway, the girls were more interested than the boys. They want to learn more about evergreens and types of bird nests. Here are some of their pics (you can click on the thumbnails for larger ones):

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HomeschoolBlogger Comments
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Feb. 29, 2008 - What a beautiful blog!

Posted by HarmonyArtMom

Thank you for sharing your link for the Green Hour challenge. I think as the air warms up and the kids get the hang of it, maybe the boys will be more excited about nature study. :)

I love, love, love the bird nest photos...very interesting.

I am glad you persevered and bribing with hot cocoa is totally okay with me!!! If fact, we had our Green Hour time this morning and we hit Starbucks for cocoa on the way back.

Thanks again,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Mar. 2, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by Anonymous

What a wonderful outing you guys had! You found some really nice bird nests.

I got the kids an ice cream cone after our GHC #2. Nothing like having a special treat after doing something that is so much fun!

Jetihoja Academy

Mar. 3, 2008 - This looks...

Posted by mom2two

...like a fun assignment. Being outside is always a good thing, unless it is cold and windy! :o)

Yvonne :o)

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